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Create your best life

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About Philippa Fleming

Welcome. I am Philippa Fleming a Personal Development Coach. I am passionate about helping people take control of their life and work toward leading the life they want to be living. Be it thinking differently, having difficult conversations, boundary setting or action taking to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Whether you want to make a big change to your life or are stuck in a rut and want to create a better life, coaching can help.

What I do

One to One Coaching

I offer one to one sessions using a blend of NLP, hypnosis and coaching to help you become unstuck, change how you think and approach things to create the change you want in your life. 

You will be pushing through your comfort zone and working on yourself to attain the changes you want to effect, thinking differently and trying new things. I will be there supporting you, on occasions I will challenge your existing habits and together we will review your progress. Your confidence will improve and you will feel more alive as you create the change you want to see in your life.

Encouraging Confidence Workshops

I run workshops enabling you to have new perspectives, learn how to handle your fears, feel more empowered, increase your confidence and self esteem. Ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life.


Why I do it

I used to be full of fear and indecision and suffered with social anxiety. I read the book ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’ by Susan Jeffers and practised the tools and techniques in it and my life changed enormously. I grew in confidence and self esteem. I went on to be braver, more confident in myself and the decisions I made.

The change was so significant that people asked me what had caused the change so I contacted Susan Jeffers to find out how I could share her work. I retrained as a Life Coach and Master NLP & Hypnosis Practitioner. I set up as a coach and ran ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’ workshops based on the book. Today, I coach and deliver my own workshops which is a combination of Feel the fear and other learnings I have gained along the way. I share tools and techniques to help other people lead a more fulfilling life.

Who can benefit?

I work with people from all different backgrounds, different roles and stages of their lives. Attendees at my workshops range from teenagers, young adults, charity workers, bankers, doctors, university students, entrepreneurs and charities to name a few. 

Everyone is unique. However, there is often a common thread running through, in that each person wants to effect change in their life somehow.

If you know what you want to change but need some help in achieving it, we can work together to achieve your goals. 

Perhaps you feel that something has to give as you are stuck and want to explore solutions. Perhaps you are afraid of what will happen around you if you make changes. I can help you with this and together we can explore your options and help you attain your goals. 

If you are afraid of making decisions and taking action because of the potential consequences. We will work on this to effect the change you want to see.

If you are ready and committed to making changes get in touch. Email

Benefits of Coaching

  • You will get clarity about what you want and how to achieve it
  • You will be held accountable and achieve more
  • You will overcome obstacles and insecurities that once held you back
  • Increase in confidence and self-esteem as you start living your life your way
  • You will start taking control of your life and ultimately feel more confident in yourself

Coaching Testimonials
